A lot of men dealing with gynecomastia are embarrassed or self-conscious about their appearance and often seek to avoid surgical solutions in order to escape the stigma that is associated with male cosmetic procedures.
They become frustrated because most of the so-called “natural treatments” do not work and feel as though they are stuck in a maze with no way out. Surgery is the sole cure but looking for a non-surgical remedy appears to be perpetual.
Is it all just fantasy though — having Gynecomastia treatment without surgery? In this blog we will look into if Gynecomastia treatment without surgery is possible or not, and separates the facts from the fads to help you make an educated choice that is best for you.
Why Does Gynecomastia Occur in Men?
To know if Gynecomastia treatment without surgery is possible, we first have to know about its causes. Gynecomastia, or male boobs, can be due to an imbalance between the male and female hormones estrogen and testosterone. Estrogen, though more commonly associated as a female hormone, is also present in men yet at a significantly lower concentration. When there is disproportion in levels of testosterone versus estrogen in the body, breast tissue overgrowth may occur owing to either excess estrogen or insufficient testosterone.
There exist numerous possibilities for such a hormonal imbalance to arise. Triggers are regularly puberty, advancing age, certain medications for instance steroids or anti-androgens, and some health issues like liver conditions or hyperthyroidism. However, an imbalance can additionally surface thanks to lifestyle choices such as overindulging in alcohol or drugs. Only once comprehending why it happens can you determine how best to treat the gynecomastia.
Is Gynecomastia Treatment Without Surgery Possible?
When it comes to gynecomastia treatment most men think of surgery and many certainly prefer non-surgical options. One example is actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who has been candid about his history with gynecomastia. He tried everything from brutal exercise to no avail, but surgery was the straightforward answer to achieve the results he desired.
Where hormone levels are to blame, hormonal imbalances can sometimes be treated with medications that lessen the amount of estrogen or simulate testosterone, but not in every case. Real gynecomastia may not respond to any gynecomastia treatment without surgery, like lifestyle changes such as weight loss and increases in exercise, since it is the glandular tissue that is causing the issue instead of excess fat typically found within the breast area.
Many men wait for miracles that pills or diet change (weight loss) will provide–which happens but mostly so lowkey. In some isolated instances where an imbalance is to blame, hormone therapy works, but this is not an option for everyone. For some, like Johnson, it is an issue of glandular tissue development that will not go away with diet or exercise.
In the end, however, for most men with chronic gynecomastia, surgery is still the gold standard treatment. Surgery such as glnad removal can resolve the issue for good and give a far more masculine appearance to your chest.
So to answer, Gynecomastia treatment without surgery? Not really if you want lasting and real results. The only way to get the options you need is by speaking with a specialist and every condition has a solution best suited for it.
Dr. Preeti Yadav - Specialist for Gynecomastia Treatment
Choosing the best specialist for gynecomastia treatment is of utmost importance as they play a significant role in determining patient outcomes and here, we have Dr. Preeti Yadav who is one among Gynecomastia Specialist In Gurgaon. Dr. Yadav, who has over 10 years of experience as a plastic surgeon has treated many cases of gynecomastia to help men regain their confidence and feel comfortable in their own skin.
A deep insight into the condition coupled with impressive surgical precision means she is able to offer her patients unique solutions specific to their conditions. Whether a simple correction or a far difficult case, she has always provided me with excellent results. What makes her the top specialist if you are considering gynecomastia surgery is not only her expertise but also her attention to details. So, if you are looking for one of the best plastic surgeons in Gurgaon, she is the right person.
If you are reading this, book a consultation right away!!!